Dear Haikusue:
iStock photo
I graduated from college in creative writing this past Spring and have been struggling between freelance gigs, a part time boring office job, and trying to get advertising on my beauty blog ever since. It's been scary at times, but I am *barely* scraping buy. I know I am lucky to be doing what I want for a living in this economy, BUT I still find myself overwhelmed with jealousy over the luck a girl I went to school with's current situation. We both applied for a blogging job on a pretty major online retailer site (think twee dresses at great prices). She got the job and is now not only making bank, but is getting a pretty big following. I know this because I can't help myself but to read her posts everyday, all the while noting how lame they are, and how she is getting paid and I am not. I know this is unhealthy but it's just so tempting I can't log off. Help!
Green-eyed in Greenbrae
Dear Green Eyed:
Toxic hate reading
Cold turkey, block the site now
Stop the excuses