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Dear Haikusue:
For the last year or so I have been in a constant state of 'blah'. I just can't get excited about my career, social life, or anything, it feels like no matter how hard I work my life is just serious of monotonous tasks. I have a steady but boring job, that affords me just enough cash to pay for a rent controlled apartment in Noe Valley On weekends I sleep in late, do my laundry, maybe have drinks with friends or maybe go to the movies, but nothing remarkable ever happens. I am starting to see my life as one never ending boring ride on the J without any satisfaction. How do I snap out of my funk, do I need meds to numb me out so I won't feel so depressed?
Not yet popping-pills in Noe Valley
Dear Non-Popper:
Fresh outlook needed
try moving apartments first
craigslist is your friend