

Sharp-dress man haiku

Patchy Cake Eater Fall 2014/Image: C.Hope for Style Wylde

Patchy Cake Eater Fall 2014/Image: C.Hope for Style Wylde

Dear Haikusue,

As a 40 something male, I have always maintained a professional appearance and take pride in my wardrobe.  As I start to gray, I envision entering the later stage of my career with the sophistication and refinement of Cary Grant in To Catch a Thief.  However, my haberdasher has recently started to hint that my personal style is a bit outdated and has recommended that I wear flat front pants to appear trendier.  Years ago I was hesitant to mix wearing plaids with stripes, but now embrace the dichotomy of patterns.  Am I being obstinate in my belief that wearing flat front pants will make me appear that I am trying too hard to maintain a youthful appearance, or should I trust in the unknown and make the switch?  Please help me. 


Bespoke in Barbar


Dear Bespoke:

Beware pleats and darts

Visual poundage increase

Flat fronts are your friend
