Even Top Models need to learn to keep their cool/ Image: Alexandria Everett/S. Whittle for Style Wylde
Dear Haikusue:
I have a friend who always seems to get in fights (not physical, just arguments) when we go out. She is the kind of person who doesn't let anyone 'put her down' and is always 'standing up to bullies' wherever we go. The problem is, I find all the attention kind of embarrassing, even if she is right not to let someone say or do something aggressive (say if we are at a bar, or in line at the Barneys sale) sometimes I would rather just stay quiet and not make a scene. How do I get her to 'chill out' and stop standing up to everyone, everywhere.
Chill in the Tenderloin
Dear Chill:
Just like the leopard
change in manner not likely
Hang out with her less